Maurice moved from Jamaica to the United States at age 16. After high school, he worked as a long-haul truck driver. The money was good but he missed being away from his family. Plus he had a nagging feeling that he was meant to do more. Following his sister’s advice, 他进入了护理行业,并立即感到照顾他人是他的使命. 

今年5月,他将以优异的成绩从榆树学院(Elms College)毕业 Doctor of Nursing Program degree, the highest level of nursing education. 他期待着成为一名初级保健护士, 最好是在为穷人和少数民族服务的社区诊所. He sees that as his way of giving back. 莫里斯说,一个人在正确的地方,拥有正确的技能,可以对无数人的生活产生深远的影响. 他说他渴望用他的知识和训练来帮助别人. 

“That’s my goal; that’s my passion.”

Get in touch with Elms College to learn more about the School of Nursing.

“It’s small and you get to know each other. They get to know students. It’s almost like a family thing. It’s professional but welcoming. They have the support you need to help push you through.”
– Maurice Turner

Read Maurice’s Full Story

Maurice Turner of Springfield, Doctor of Nursing Practice. 

莫里斯在斯普林菲尔德的贝斯特医疗中心的重症监护室担任护士,同时他完成了医学硕士学位 Doctor of Nursing Program at Elms College. He is on track to graduate in May 2024.

多年前,当他决定从事医学事业时,他就开始了一场个人马拉松,现在已经到了最后的冲刺阶段.  他来自牙买加,16岁时来到美国. 高中毕业后,他开始做长途卡车司机. 这意味着要在全国各地穿梭,有时要离家数天甚至数周. “I was making a ton of money but I was homesick. I was always on the road.”

他的姐姐当时是一名执业护士(LPN),建议他进入护理行业, 告诉他这是一个很好的职业,这个行业需要更多的人. “She planted the seed and I looked into it.“他去学校成为一名护士,很快就在一家养老院找到了工作. Wanting to advance in his career, he returned to school to become a registered nurse, and this led to his employment at Baystate. 他最初是在神经科,治疗中风或脑损伤的人. More recently he transferred to the ICU in 2017. “I really love it,” 他说.

但他仍然渴望推进他的护理教育,并开始考虑回到学校攻读护理实践博士学位. DNP是护理的最高步骤,将允许他作为护士执业者工作.  

But before choosing a DNP program, 他想确保自己在合适的学校上了合适的课程. 他开始向他认识的所有执业护士寻求建议.

“There is a nurse practitioner that I work with. She is by far my favorite. 我喜欢她的知识,以及她总是掌握一切的方式。. “I asked her where she went to school, and s他说 Elms.” 

Many of the others also recommended Elms College. “It always came back to Elms,” 他说.

DNP项目压力很大,但他说他知道这一点. 他说,榆树学院的不同之处在于教师的支持程度. “I do feel supported. 我总是可以发邮件询问发生了什么事. I get good feedback, support, and guidance.”

The classes are small and the faculty do get to know you. He said he is always amazed whenever he talks with Teresa Kuta Reske她提到了他们几个星期和几个月前的一些谈话. 他想知道她怎么能记住这些,但答案很简单,他说.

“You see, it’s small and you get to know each other. They get to know students,” 他说. 

“It’s almost like a family thing. It’s professional but welcoming. They have the support you need to help push you through.”

Once he gets his DNP, he wants to work as a nurse practitioner in primary care, preferably at a neighborhood-based health clinic. “I want to work with minorities. I want to be in the community.”

He said that as a Black man, 他意识到少数族裔患者就诊和被就诊的重要性. “We need more representation.”  For issues of trust and relatability, 对于有色人种社区的病人来说,由看起来像有色人种的医生和护士来治疗是很重要的, 他说.

He tells the story of one patient, a black man in his late 50s, from one of his clinical work as part of his DNP work. For several years, the man would come in for an examination, 每年,医生和护士都会建议他做一次结肠镜检查,以筛查癌症. Each year the man would refuse. 当莫里斯来做年度体检时,一位白人护士把这一切都告诉了他. 他记得她说他会拒绝,但莫里斯无论如何都应该问问结肠镜检查的事.

当他向那个人建议这个程序时,他问他是否有必要. Maurice said the test was the best way to screen for cancer, 黑人男性结肠癌的死亡率高于其他人群, 主要是因为他们倾向于推迟检查,直到发现癌症并开始治疗时为时已晚. The man agreed to have a colonoscopy.



“That’s my goal; that’s my passion.

Nursing Degrees and 项目:

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN):

Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing (ABSN)这个课程是为那些已经在非护理领域获得学士学位并希望从事护理职业的学生设计的. It typically takes about 12-18 months to complete.

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)榆树学院可以提供各种不同专业的MSN课程,如护士执业(NP), Nurse Educator, or Nurse Administrator.

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)DNP项目通常是为想要在临床实践中获得专业知识的高级执业护士提供的, 领导, and healthcare systems.

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在榆树学院,我们的产品就是你——我们认真对待你. 我们的目标是为年轻男女提供学习的空间, 成长, 为你建立自己的梦想打下基础. 我们的本科生和研究生在包容性和参与性的校园体验中茁壮成长. Our classes are rich and rigorous, 但要足够小,让教授知道你是谁,你能做什么. 将传统的文科教育与最新的专业培训相结合, the Elms will prepare you with the skills, 知识和信心可以改变你的生活和世界.